Monday, September 28, 2009

Sex Education Theme Park in Korea....NEW!

Let`s explore this korean park in Jeju Island also known as JEJU LOVELAND PARK
 This park is used for sex education in korea.


Think they could be sleeping around? Watch out! STDs spread fast that way.

1 in 5 Teens Send Sex Texts

According to the Oakland Tribune, 1 in 5 teens are sexting . Furthermore the average age of the teens is 14. Sometimes girls will send a sexy picture of themselves to a boyfriend but when the relationship ends, the boyfriend will turn around and send out the pictures to other people, resulting in humiliation for the girl.

Protecting yourself is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in a relationship. Understandably, it can be very hurtful to learn that your partner has given you an STD, especially if you didn’t know your partner was having sex with someone else. Sometimes you can have a new relationship and the person you are with doesn’t know he or she has an STD. This is why, when two people are thinking about having sex with each other, they should get tested before they have sex.